Photo: People in an EP dialogue
Renew hope where you live, work, worship, and learn

We give people the means to strengthen relationships, deepen belonging, and renew hope in their communities.

  • I did not anticipate having as many concrete takeaways as I do. I feel there is an immense practical application.

    Program Participant
  • What is special about Essential Partners' approach is that it promotes authenticity, reduces defensiveness, increases curiosity, and boosts connectedness.

    Belle Abaya
    The Conflict Resolution Group Foundation, Philippines
  • Together, we married our ideas to create a dialogue model that took into consideration our young people’s particular needs, and our culture.

    Belle Abaya
    The Conflict Resolution Group Foundation, Philippines

Resisting Polarization in an Election Season: A Free Resource

Partisan polarization (Democrats versus Republicans) turns our huge, complicated, diverse democracy into a political sport where everyone has to pick a side and only one side can win. In this four-part, scaffolded, self-paced curriculum, we will help you develop the internal capacities, skills, and confidence you need to become a positive force in conversations around the election where you live, work, worship, and learn.

Photo: Diverse group of people standing in line with an American flag displayed behind them
Photo: Student protests

News: Blaming faculty when protests erupt ignores how we teach

“In a polarized climate where adherence to one side of an issue can seem to demand the complete rejection of opposing views or the people who hold them, complexity can be an unwelcome reality. University classrooms are precisely the places where students encounter and meet such complex challenges.” 

Jill DeTemple, EP Academic Associate and faculty member at Southern Methodist University, highlights the role that college professors play in fostering open-mindedness and critical thinking in their students in the Dallas Morning News.

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Image: Cary Academy logo
Image: Share Our America logo
Image: Starts With Us logo
Image: Southern Methodist University name and seal
Image: South Sound YMCA logo
Image: Carnegie Library logo
Image: FIS Global logo
Interfaith Photovoice logo
Image: City of Melrose seal
Bridgewater College logo
Winthrop Rockefeller Institute
Image: Newburyport Public Schools logo
Image: Roundabout Theater Company logo
Logo: The Colossian Forum, Michigan
Image: Cody WY School District logo
Image: Miami Dade College logo
Image: Shenandoah logo
Image: Revolutionary Spaces Logo
Image: Ravenscroft School logo
Image: Mass Humanities logo