People in conversation

Academic Research and Publications

Reflective Structured Dialogue, the innovative relational communication framework developed by the founders of Essential Partners (known until 2014 as the Public Conversations Project) has been rigorously researched. Its impact and outcomes have been tested through real-world case studies and shared in peer-reviewed publications.

Below, you will find a repository of publications in academic journals and edited volumes that discuss Reflective Structured Dialogue, its specific applications within the civic and educational contexts, as well as EP's larger theory of change and model for scale.

On Reflective Structured Dialogue (RSD)

Carol Becker PhD, Laura Chasin MSW, Richard Chasin MD, Margaret Herzig, Sallyann Roth MSW, Robert Stains, Jr MEd. “From diatribe to dialogue on divisive public issues: Approaches drawn from family therapy,” Conflict Resolution Quarterly. 323 (1995-1996)

Carol Becker PhD; Laura Chasin MSW; Richard Chasin MD; Margaret Herzig; Sallyann Roth MSW. (1995) “From Stuck Debate to New Conversation on Controversial Issues,” Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 7:1-2, 143-163.

Stains Jr, Robert; Sarrouf, John. (2022) “Hard to say, hard to hear, heart to heart: Inviting and harnessing strong emotions in dialogue for deliberation,” Journal of Deliberative Democracy 18(2).

Gower, Katherine; Cornelius, Llewelyn; Rawls, Raye; Walker, Brandy B. (2020) “Reflective structured dialogue: A qualitative thematic analysis,” Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 37(3).

Stains Jr, Robert, (2016) “Cultivating Courageous Communities through the Practice and Power of Dialogue,” Mitchell Hamline Law Review, 42(5).

Stains Jr. Robert, (2014) “Repairing the Breach: The Power of Dialogue to Heal Relationships and Communities”, Journal of Public Deliberation 10(1).

Staller, Karen M. (2014). “Difficult conversations: Talking with rather than talking at.” Qualitative Social Work, 13(2), 167–175.

Hunzer, Kathleen M. (2008) “Lessons from the Public Sphere: Listening, Adversity, and Learning,” International Journal of Listening, 22(1) p90-98.

Tonn, Mari Boor. (2005). “Taking Conversation, Dialogue, and Therapy Public.” Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 8(3), 405–430.

Haydon, Mark; Elliott, Nick. (2005) “Internal Consultancy and the Public Conversations Project: A Dialogic Consultation,” Journal of Systemic Therapies, 23(3).

Stains Jr, Robert. (2001) “Reflective Training: Matching Educational Practice with Transformative Intention,” Designing Mediation: Approaches to Training and Practice within a Transformative Framework, J. Folger and R. Baruch Bush (eds.), Ch 12, 153-167. New York: Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation Inc., 2001

Carol Becker PhD; Laura Chasin MSW; Richard Chasin MD; Margaret Herzig; Sallyann Roth MSW. (1995) "Across the Chasm," In Context, Vol. 20, March 1995, 33-35.

On RSD in the Civic & Political Sphere

Brooks, Maegan Parker; Gutterman, David. (2021) “Reckoning with Racism: A Challenge for Deliberative Democracy,” Journal of Deliberative Democracy 17(1), 169-175.

Pritchard, Daniel E. (2021) “Scaling a Community Bridge-Building Initiative: Howard County Courageous Conversations and Essential Partners,” Dispute Resolution Journal, 75(4).

Goi, Simona. (2005) “Agonism, Deliberation, and the Politics of Abortion,” Polity, v37, n1.

Anderson, Rob; Cissna, Kenneth; Clune, Meghan K. (2003) “The Rhetoric of Public Dialogue,” Communication Research Trends, 22(1), p23-24.

Carol Becker PhD; Laura Chasin MSW; Richard Chasin MD; Margaret Herzig; Sallyann Roth MSW. (1992) "Fostering Dialogue on Abortion: A Report from the Public Conversations Project." Conscience, XIII:3 2-9.

On RSD in Higher & Secondary Education

DeTemple, Jill. (2020) “The Spaces We Make: Dialogic Classrooms and Social Transformation,” Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 35(5), 753-780

Marques, Pamela Lopes; Vilela e Souza, Laura. (2022) “Positioning in the dialogue on gender and sexual diversity in Brazilian schools,” Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 40(1).

Harris, Helen; Counseller, Jeremy. (2022) “Reflective Structured Dialogue: Faculty in a Christian University Discuss LGBTQ+ Inclusion.” Social Work & Christianity, 49(1), 48–66.

Bandyopadhyay, Soham. (2021) “Moving beyond diversity in curricula,” The Clinical Teacher, 18(5).

DeTemple, Jill. (2020) “The Spaces We Make: Dialogic Classrooms and Social Transformation,” Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 35(5).

Shapiro, Shawna. (2020). “Inclusive Pedagogy in the Academic Writing Classroom: Cultivating Communities of Belonging,” Journal of Academic Writing, 10(1), 154–164.

DeTemple, Jill; Gallagher, Eugene V; Lan, Kwok Pui; Pearson, Thomas. (2019) “Reflective structured dialogue: A conversation with 2018 American Academy of Religion excellence in teaching award winner Jill DeTemple,” Teaching Theology & Religion, 22(3).

DeTemple, Jill; Sarrouf, John. (2017) “Disruption, dialogue, and swerve: Reflective structured dialogue in religious studies classrooms,” Teaching Theology & Religion, 20(3).

Buie, Sarah; Wright, Walter. (2010) “The difficult dialogues initiative at Clark University: A case study,” New Directions for Higher Education, 2010(152).