People in conversation

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  • In these divisive times, Essential Partners has given my local YMCA and now the national YMCA a means to build bridges through dialogue, re-establishing foundations for constructive change to occur.

    Janele Nelson, Mission Director
    YMCA of Pierce & Kitsap Counties (WA)
  • It’s nice to talk about things that we encounter all the time but rarely get talked about. This made me hopeful that there are people who are willing to talk about serious issues.

    Undergraduate Student
    Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
  • Dr. Jill DeTemple, Southern Methodist University

    After using this approach in my classroom, I am now more willing, and more able, to engage students in meaningful conversations about potentially contentious issues. Whereas I used to nod toward things like homosexuality in religious life, interfaith marriage, or the role of government in reproduction, now I build these conversations into the class so students can learn to speak about their experiences, and so they learn to listen and learn from those with whom they might disagree.

    Dr. Jill DeTemple, Religious Studies Faculty
    Southern Methodist University, Texas

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